jeudi 28 août 2014


Dear parents,

We have already finished our third week.
This had been a pleasure to meet you at the curriculum night last Tuesday.

Here are our learning events for this week.
French :
Reading : we finished the first chapter of "Kolos" and also listened to a story "Le géant de Zeralda".
We have been working on the vocabulary VOC 1 & VOC 3.
Spelling : we did the sound i tests on Wednesday and Thursday.
Grammar : We have been working on the first grammar rule : G1 about "what is a sentence ?".
Writing : We were ready to show our first writing for the curriculum night about our "self-portrait".
Poem : We are working on our second poem "Le géant de Zeralda".

Math :
We started our first "calcul rapide": the challenge was to do 30 easy calculations (additions) in 3minutes.
We have been finishing our collaborative Problem Solving on Monday.
We worked on mental calculation with "calculatice" : le poisson
IXL : we worked on reviewing odd and even numbers : A7 - A8
We worked on adding and subtracting little numbers : Calc 2
And we reviewed numbers until 59.

Discovering the world :
Time : We have been using a school calendar to review the months and year.
Art : We started a work about colors.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier

vendredi 22 août 2014

Poésie 2 : Le géant de Zeralda


CALC 1 : le complément à 10 / How to make 10


Dictée 2 / SPELLING #2

Num 1 : Les nombres jusqu'à 20 / Numbers up to 20




Dear parents,
here is the second weekly letter.

The students have really good routines already : in the morning, changing the day, taking the white board and writing the date, finding sentences with the "word of the day".

French :
Reading : we started our first chapter book "Kolos et les quatre voleurs". It's an easy book to start with, however I'm expecting a fluent reading out loud. We will also learn some grammar rules and lot's of vocabulary.
In the Blue notebook, you will find the vocabulary from the book VOC 1.
So far, the students need to draw the word.

Library : every Friday.

Self portrait and Writing: After making a portrait about themselves(using different materials), the students pre-wrote their self-portrait (surprise :)

Spelling : we have already started to work on the sound "a" an did 2 spelling tests (Wednesday : words, Friday : sentence).

Maths :
Mental calculation : Everyday we practice mental calculation.
We practiced calculation with several numbers "Le bus" : calculatice
written numbers from 1 to 10 in French and English : IXL Math second grade C3
"le complement" : calculatice
We worked about the numbers up to 29.
Problem solving by teams : every Friday, we will work on team resolving problems.

Discovering the world :
We worked on the common areas rules.

Don't forget the Curriculum night on Tuesday, August 26th at 4pm.

Mrs. Thillier

vendredi 15 août 2014


Dear parents,

Here is the first weekly letter:)
We already have some good routines and we specially love the "message of the day" white board where we can write nice messages on it every day.

This week the students have been taking diagnostic assessments in French and Math skills, which will help me plan and differentiate the curriculum to each students’ strengths and needs.
The students have also been engaged in group-activities in Math as well as learning the rules and procedures expected in the classroom. Students discussed individually, then wrote and illustrated the rules.
We used our new French notebook : writing in cursive, inventing sentences with the "word of the day".
Also, we used our "Ribambelle" book and did some reviews with letters and sounds.
We had fun today working in math  using a website in French :
the game is called : "le bus" and we did the level 1.

I hope your child enjoyed as much as I did this first week of the new school year.

I sincerely look forward to meeting you on Curriculum Night on August 26th at 4pm.

Mrs. Thillier


lundi 11 août 2014

due date :
Thursday, August 21st


Dear second graders,
Chers CE1

Je suis très contente de vous avoir cette année dans ma classe!
Notre classe est vraiment un lieu où "il fait bon vivre". Ce sera une année pleine d'amis, de plaisir et bien sûr un lieu pour apprendre.
Le premier jour est déjà passé très vite... et je sais que l'année va aller très vite aussi.

Miss Miller va enseigner l'anglais et Mr. Helmlinger continue d'enseigner la musique.

J'attends vos parents à la "Curriculum night" le 26 août à 16h.

I am so excited to have you in our class this year! Our classroom is such a great place to be! We will have a year full of friends, fun, and learning.

The first day of school today went very fast... and I already know the year will also.

Miss Miller will teach English and Mr. Helmlinger will continue teaching Music.

I look forward to see your parent at the Curriculum night on August 26 at 4pm.

You may bring in a small healthy snack for the morning. 
And bring every day a water bottle.

Your Second Grade Teacher, Votre maitresse de CE1,

Mrs. Thillier