vendredi 31 octobre 2014


Weekly letter #11

Dear Parents,

This was a busy week with lot's of events :
- Gymnastic class started on Tuesday.
- We celebrated Noah, Kayla, Anasara and Toni's birthdays.
- It was Halloween on Friday

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Spelling : We did the sound o tests on Wednesday and Thursday.
Reading / Vocabulary: We continued to work on our comic Popotka and worked on 2 quizlet vocabulary : VOC12 and VOC13
Grammar : We finished our unit about : understand the structure of an interrogative sentence.

Math :
Calculation : We were working on "rounding to the nearest ten and hundred".
We did some additions with 3 digits numbers.
Numeration : We continued working on numbers up to 1,000 (place value, expanded form and written form)
Blog : play on "spelling numbers in French and English"
US MATH : Warm up with numbers up to 1,000 and measurement in inch, feet...

Discovering the world :

History : Read and collect information from different calendars .
Art : We did "crafts" for Halloween : haunted castle, bats, Paper Puppet monster

Enjoy the Trick or Treat tonight...

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Weekly letter #10

Second grade contest :
The tallest tower : 14 inches tall.

Dear Parents,

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Spelling : We did the sound eu tests on Wednesday and Thursday.
Reading / Vocabulary: We continued to work on our comic Popotka and worked on 2 quizlet vocabulary : VOC10 and VOC11
Grammar : We continued working about : understand the structure of an interrogative sentence.

Math :
Calc 6 : doubles and halves (calculatice)
Numeration : We continued working on numbers up to 1,000 (place value, expanded form and written form)
Blog : play on "spelling numbers in French and English"
US MATH : Warm up with numbers up to 1,000 and measurement in inch.

Discovering the world :

Science :
Changing states of matter: We finished our unit about WATER :
Identify factors of melting and solidification of water.

Art : We began a "craft " for Halloween : haunted castle

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

Weekly letter #9

Dear Parents,

We had a very good day at our first field trip today. The play was Awesome ! 


Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Spelling : We did the sound ou tests on Wednesday and Thursday.
Reading / writing: We finished our writing about the new ends to Kolos.
Reading : We started our first comic book: Popotka le petit Sioux.
Vocabulary : Voc 9 (on quizlet also)
Grammar : We started to talk about "interrogative sentences".

Math :
Calc 5 : addition settings (without and with carrying) with numbers <100
Numeration : NUM 6 : we started numbers after 100.
US MATH : Place value with numbers up to 1,000 and measurement in inch.

Discovering the world :

Science :
Changing states of matter: We did some experiments about the states of water using the thermometer : Identify factors of solidification of water.
Recycling : City of Scottsdale Recycling Program came to the school talked about recycling.
Art : We finished the illustration to the new end of Kolos.


vendredi 3 octobre 2014

Weekly letter #8

Dear Parents,

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Spelling : We did the sound u tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading / writing: We continued working on writing new ends to Kolos
Reading journal : We have been working on our reading journal. The students had to talk about Kolos : if they liked or not the story, which part was funny and which part was a little scary.
Then, we talked about all the stories we have been reading about giants and ogres. They had to choose their favorite one and write sentences about this book.
Vocabulary : V1 : l'ordre alphabetique

We are finished with our first book. Next week, we will start the new book : Popotka le petit Sioux.

Math :
Calc 3 : sum of two numbers : 34 + 40 = 30 + 40 + 4 = 74
Calc 4 : complete to the tenth : 25 + ... = 40
Collaborative math problems # 6 : Solving addition and subtraction word problems
IXL : Comparing and ordering numbers up to 100 : B1, B2, B4

Discovering the world :
We celebrated Albert's Birthday at school.

Science : We have been doing our first unit assessment about states of water in nature.
We continued to learn about "thermometers".
Time : We have been doing our first unit assessment about: Know the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year.
Art : We started to illustrate the new end of Kolos.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier