vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Weekly letter #18

Dear parents and students,

This week, we have celebrated Corde and Ian's Birthdays.
We played board games on Friday.

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : sound an tests on Wednesday and Thursday.

Reading : We finished the "Reading challenge" with comics. The students were working in partners.
Toni Vange won the first place :) Congratulations Toni !

Grammar : We have been working on Nouns and verbs to be ready to start new concepts after the Winter break.

Math :
Calculation :
addition and subtractions reviews.
Geometry : Describe, reproduce and trace a right angle triangle Géom 5, Géom 6.
We have been doing a Math Challenge with the 3rd grade class.

Discovering the world :
Civics education : we learned about Native American people and had a special guest.



vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Weekly letter #17

Dear parents and students,

This week, We have been working very well...
Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : sound é tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading / Writing: We began a "Reading challenge" with comics. The students are working in partners.
Writing : We are so far at mid-year (already ;) in second grade and started to work on our new "French notebook". The handwriting rules are more challenging but we are doing our best to write and we try to be careful.
Below an example :

Math :
Calculation :
addition with money.

Geometry : Describe, reproduce and trace a right angle triangle Geom 4.
Numeration : We have been practicing more about writing and saying a series of numbers by 10s and by 100s.

Discovering the world :

Computer Science : We are still having lot's of fun on "code" and we have learned the new block : "repeat until".
Art : We have been finishing a portrait like the artist Paul Klee.

Civics education : we learned about bacteria microbes and viruses.

See you tomorrow at the Winter Performance !
It will be amazing !

vendredi 5 décembre 2014

Weekly letter #16

Dear parents,
This week, we were doing the tests in French, Math and Discovering the world (science, history).
We also did rehearsals for the Winter performance.
Thanks to Carlos Pereira for his dedication on the dance !
In art, we finished our secret's trees. It's so beautiful !
In Computer science, we continued to work on "coding".
We also had a special gest this week : Santa Claus
Happy weekend,
Mrs. Thillier