vendredi 27 mars 2015

Week 29 : March 23rd - 27th

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "g" and did the spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Now, spelling test on Friday is prepared in class.
Grammar : We have been working on the pronouns "ils/elles".
Conjugation : We began to learn the verbs "faire/to do" and "dire/to say" in present tense.
Poetry : We have been listening to poems in several languages : Russian, Arabic, Swedish, Indonesian and german and we also went into the whole school to recite the poem we wrote about the children rights.

Thanks to all the parents or grandparents who came in the class to share stories or poems in their native language.

Reading : We read the first part of the Chapter 1 and worked on Voc 24. 
We have also been working on the intonation when telling the parts for the play: The Little Red Riding Hood.

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : time table x6 and we kept working on the distributive property of multiplication.
example : 16 x 5 = 10 x 5 + 6 x 5 = 50 + 30 = 80
We introduced also how to solve a two-digits by one digit multiplication.
Problem solving : we were working on our 17th collaborative math problems.
USMATH : the students practiced word problems involving three-digit subtraction with regrouping, as well as telling time to the nearest five minutes.
Discovering the world :
SCIENCE : AIR Contest : after bringing different pictures of objects, we decided to built one sailing boat, a car propulsion and a parachute.
We participated in a science experiment proving that air is everywhere.

De jour comme de nuit, réfléchir la lumière
Day or night, reflect the light

Miss Miller's 2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: March 23-27

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: March 23-27

Dear parents,
This week, the students read chapters 3 and 4 in Knight at Dawn and discussed aspects of medieval times.  During Easy Grammar, the students reviewed verb phrases, helping verbs, and irregular verbs. In Wordly Wise, the students were assessed on Lesson 8.  During Spelling, the students tried to make as many words out of the word, “Spring Equinox”.  For US Math, the students practiced word problems involving three-digit subtraction with regrouping, as well as telling time to the nearest five minutes.  The students played telling time bingo, where they had to use the appropriate vocabulary during recall (for example, “quarter to, half past, etc”).  In Science, the students learned about ocean thermohalene currents.  Next, they participated in a science experiment observing how temperature and salinity affect water density, as well as how ocean currents are influenced by changes in water density. 
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Miller

vendredi 20 mars 2015

Week 28 : March 16th - 20th

Dear parents and students,
Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "è" and did the spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We have been working on adjectives G12
Conjugation : We are learning the verbs "venir/to come" and "aller/to go" in present tense. C6
Writing/Poetry : We invented a poem about "the revolution". Our revolution is that children do not have the same rights everywhere in the world.

This period we will talk about the children rights.
Reading : We are starting a new story talking about a little boy named "Rajeev". He comes from India and needs to work to stay alive.
We also started to work on our play we will show in May : The Little Red Riding Hood.

Math :
Measurement : Measuring using a centimeter ruler Mes2
Mental Arithmetic : time table x6 and we also started to work on the distributive property of multiplication.
example : 16 x 5 = 10 x 5 + 6 x 5 = 50 + 30 = 80
Problem solving : we were working on our 16th collaborative math problems.
USMATH : telling Time using the American vocabulary

Discovering the world :
SCIENCE : AIR Contest : we are several classes in the United States to participate to the contest "Prenons l'air". In 1st and 2nd grade, the student has to built an object that can move with the air.
The first steps were to talk about what "air" is ?
And what kind of object can move because of the air ?

ART : We are  finished with the ART project for the soiree.

vendredi 6 mars 2015

Week 27 : March 2nd - 6th

Dear parents and students,

Harmonica de Corde


Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "s" and did the spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We have been working on the plural of nouns (s and x). G11
Conjugation : We are learning the verbs ending with "er" in present tense. C5

Vocabulary : Family words : play on Quizlet.
We finished our book of the opposites words. Soon we will do the ebook!

Math :
Geometry : symmetry Geom 7
Calculation : time table x4
Problem solving : we were working on team with the 3rd grade class resolving 12 math problems. 

Discovering the world :

HISTORY : Changing of ways of living :
Compare the evolution of school.

ART : We are almost finished with the ART project for the soiree.


2nd Grade Newsletter: Week of March 2-6

2nd Grade Newsletter:  Week of March 2-6

 Dear parents,
This week, the students composed and shared sensory color poems.  They also began writing leprechaun stories.  The students had a reading comprehension titled, “A Pot of Gold”.  In Wordly Wise, the students reviewed Lesson 7 Vocabulary Words.  During Easy Grammar, the students practiced using regular and irregular words.  I am very proud of all of the students’ hard work this quarter.
Thank you for your support and have a wonderful spring break!

Miss Miller

lundi 2 mars 2015


BRAVO l'équipe d'ISA pour avoir participle au 1km du marathon de Phoenix.
Cette course gratuite de 1km a permis aux enfants de vivre une première experience de course d'endurence avec un millier de spectateurs les applaudissant à l'arrivée.
Chaque enfant a reçu un Tshirt et un ruban.
This FREE Arizona Kids 1K fun run offered children an experience to run into a finish chute with thousands of spectators cheering them to the finish. Each child received a shirt, and a finisher ribbon.