lundi 24 novembre 2014


2nd period: October / December

Monday December 1st   

« Popotka le petit sioux »
-Know and use the vocabulary specific to reading.
Review Quizlet : Voc 9 to Voc 16 (do the TEST with no written)

- Tell whom, who or what a text is about; find in the text or its illustration the answer to questions concerning the text; restate the meaning.
- Identify the characters, the events and the time and settings of a story.
Grammar:  G3, G4, G5
-Work with sentence structures and types: understand how to convert an affirmative sentence into an interrogative sentence.
-Identify according to their nature: verbs, nouns

Numbers : Num5 + Num6 + Rounding (arrondir) to the nearest 10 and 100
- Understand (know how to write and name) whole numbers up to 1000.
- Locate and place numbers on a straight line; compare them, put them in order, and organize them.
- Write or say a series of numbers by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s.

Tuesday, December 2nd  

Reading : Unknown text : No reviews
- Silently read the wording of problems or instructions, understanding what action is expected.
- Silently read a text, deciphering unfamiliar words and showing understanding through summarizing, retelling and responding to questions.
- Show understanding of a story or a text read aloud by responding to questions about the text.

Calcul :Calc 3, Calc 4, Calc 5, Calc 6, Calc 7
- Calculate a horizontal series of mathematical operations.
- Understand and use addition (for numbers up to 1000) and subtraction (for numbers up to 100).
-Understand doubles and halves of commonly used numbers.
-Understand and use mental calculations to work out sums of equations.  

Wednesday, December 3rd   
Vocabulary : V2
-Begin using alphabetical order to look for the spelling or definition of a word in the dictionary.

Conjugaison : C1
-Understand the relationship between verb tenses (past, present, future) and the corresponding ideas (actions which have already happened, actions happening now, and actions which have not yet happened).

Problem solving: see the different problems in the blog
- Solve problems using addition and subtraction.
- Organize information given in a statement.
- Solve problems of customary.
Thursday, December 4th   

Science: (yellow notebook)
-Identify factors of melting and solidification of water.
-Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of water under different conditions.

History: (green notebook)
-Collect information from different calendars.
-Read a family tree.