dimanche 3 mai 2015


bring on Thursday May 7th in a separated bag with child's name tag

Narrators :
Boys : Black suit with white shirt and boetie or tie
girls : very nice dress

Mother : like a mother with little high heels and a purse...

Little Red Riding Hood : Dressed in red with red hood and cape...

Huntsman : green, brown or camouflage clothes, boots, hunter's bag...

Grand-mother : with a wig or a bun and an old woman clothes + bathcap

Wolf : all dressed in black, his/her face painted in grey + wolf ears (optional : a tail)


PERFORMANCE : On Friday, May 8th 2015

Be on time at school
BRING A COLD LUNCH + Bottle of water

Chaperones : Patricia Breece, Adeline Kassisieh, Vicki Overton, Mandy Fitch, Fadel Ghadanfar, Jane Mercer

Departure time at the bowling parking @ 8:15am

Arrival Time at the Theater  @ around 9am

Theater Opens : 12:15pm

Showtime : 12:30pm

Departure time from the theater (with the same chaperones) : between 1:45pm and 2pm

Arrival time at school : around 2:45pm