vendredi 22 août 2014


Dear parents,
here is the second weekly letter.

The students have really good routines already : in the morning, changing the day, taking the white board and writing the date, finding sentences with the "word of the day".

French :
Reading : we started our first chapter book "Kolos et les quatre voleurs". It's an easy book to start with, however I'm expecting a fluent reading out loud. We will also learn some grammar rules and lot's of vocabulary.
In the Blue notebook, you will find the vocabulary from the book VOC 1.
So far, the students need to draw the word.

Library : every Friday.

Self portrait and Writing: After making a portrait about themselves(using different materials), the students pre-wrote their self-portrait (surprise :)

Spelling : we have already started to work on the sound "a" an did 2 spelling tests (Wednesday : words, Friday : sentence).

Maths :
Mental calculation : Everyday we practice mental calculation.
We practiced calculation with several numbers "Le bus" : calculatice
written numbers from 1 to 10 in French and English : IXL Math second grade C3
"le complement" : calculatice
We worked about the numbers up to 29.
Problem solving by teams : every Friday, we will work on team resolving problems.

Discovering the world :
We worked on the common areas rules.

Don't forget the Curriculum night on Tuesday, August 26th at 4pm.

Mrs. Thillier