dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Weekly letter #14

My dear students,

This week, I know you worked very well... I missed you.
Here are the learning you've worked on with Mrs. Travescio Rocio:

French :
Spelling : sound k tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading / Writing: You finished our comic Popotka.
Conjugation : You reviewed the lesson about "past, present and future" tense of a sentence. C1
Grammar : You have made some reviews about the verb G4 and did a new lesson about nouns and its article G5.
Vocabulary : Begin using alphabetical order to look for the definition of a word in the dictionary. V2

Math :
Calculation :
subtracting with carrying.
Geometry : triangles
Numeration : numbers up to 1,000 (place value, expanded form and written form, rounding).
Addition and subtraction word problems : You have worked on collaborative learning resolving addition and subtraction word problems (work #9).

Discovering the world :

Art : "The tree of the secret". I don't know if you finished it. I hope it looks good :)
Civics education : I hope you enjoyed watching some videos about the flu and the importance to wash your hand.

You can see again the video below :

Have a wonderful weekend.