vendredi 27 février 2015

Week 26 : February 23 - 27

Dear parents
La voiture mécanique d'Ian

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
We have been doing assessments on the concepts learned so far.
They also worked on their reading journal writing comments about "le maître chat".

Math :
We have been doing assessments on the concepts learned so far.

Discovering the world :
CIVICS : balanced diet

HISTORY : Changing of ways of living :
Compare the evolution of transportation.

It was the last training before the 1k marathon Tomorrow !

I hope our little team from ISA will give their best team spirit.

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: February 23-27

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: February 23-27
Dear parents,
This week, during Social Studies, the students read about Ruby Bridges, who made history by becoming the first African-American student at her school in 1960.  We discussed what it means to be brave.  Finally, the students wrote a two paragraph essay on people who are brave in their community, and as well as describe a time that they had to be brave.  During Science, we explored marshmallows using our five senses.   Afterwards, as a class, we wrote a sensory color poem.  Next week the students will compose their own sensory color poem to be displayed in celebration of the upcoming Poetry Week.  In our Easy Grammar, the students reviewed and practiced using action and state-of-being verbs.  The students were introduced the new vocabulary words for Lesson 7 of Wordly Wise.  During US Math, the students were assessed on partitioning of shapes, identifying fractions, and counting US money.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller

vendredi 20 février 2015



Kids 1K Start Time

  • 12:00 PM

1K Brief Description

This FREE Arizona Kids 1K fun run offers children an experience to run into a finish chute with thousands of spectators cheering them to the finish. Each child will receive a shirt, and a finisher ribbon. There will be food and fun in the finish area. Each participant will receive a bib number, however the race will not be timed.

Additional Information

This Arizona Kids 1K fun run is limited to children 12 and under. One parent or guardian may escort the child through the route, but it is not required. Strollers are allowed. Older children will be put in the front, and strollers are to be in the back. We ask that if you are pushing a stroller you be cautious of other children around you as you pass them.

1K Price

  • FREE

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: February 17-20

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: February 17-20

Dear parents,
This week, during Social Studies, the students learned about Chinese New Year traditions.  Afterwards, they created a Venn diagram, comparing and contrasting the Chinese holiday with New Years celebrated in the United States.  During Science, the students learned about the effects of global warming and climate change.  They read a Scholastic newsletter about scientists using Rover penguins to monitor the Emperor penguin population, as well as how the climate change is affecting the population of this species.  The students continued to review contractions and homophones in their Easy Grammar.  They were assessed in both Wordly Wise and Sitton Spelling.  Finally, the class was divided in half and participated in a debate on whether we should keep pennies in our monetary system.  Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller


Dear parents and students,

Continue bringing plastic bags 2 more weeks !

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : No spelling tests this week.
Reading/Vocabulary : We finished our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 23 (Quizlet 23).
Grammar : We have been reviewing all the concepts learned so far.
Conjugaison : We have been reviewing the 2 verbs learned so far.

Math :
Calculation : Multiplication
We have been reviewing the time tables and the multiplication concept.
Solving Problem : We have been working collaboratively on addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems.
Measurement : We have been reviewing how to read time.

Discovering the world :
CIVICS : balanced diet
Be aware of the need to eat daily vegetables and fruits.
Be aware of the need to drink water.

HISTORY : Changing of ways of living :
Compare the evolution of housing since the early twentieth century.

every Tuesday afternoon.



lundi 16 février 2015


3rd period: January / February

Monday February 23rd

Reading: Unknown text: No reviews
- Silently read the wording of problems or instructions, understanding what action is expected.
- Silently read a text, deciphering unfamiliar words and showing understanding through summarizing, retelling and responding to questions.
- Show understanding of a story or a text read aloud by responding to questions about the text.

Review: G4 to G10
-Identify according to their nature: verbs, nouns, articles, personal pronouns (subject form).
-Nouns: distinguish between proper and common nouns.
-Manipulate other determiners (mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa, notre, votre, leur, mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs, ce, cet, cette, ces).
-Recognize and explain gender and singular/plural forms: the "s" of plural nouns, the "e" of the feminine.
-In a simple sentence with a regular subject/verb syntax, identify the verb and its subject.

Math: Numbers:
Review Num5 + Num6
- Understand (know how to write and name) whole numbers up to 1000.
- Locate and place numbers on a straight line; compare them, put them in order, and organize them.
- Write or say a series of numbers by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s.

Tuesday, February 24th   
« Le maitre Chat »
-Know and use the vocabulary specific to reading.
Review Quizlet: VOC 17 to VOC23 (do the TEST with no “written”)

Read the whole story
- Tell whom, who or what a text is about; find in the text or its illustration the answer to questions concerning the text; restate the meaning.
- Identify the characters, the events and the time and settings of a story.

Math: Calculation
Review CALC 5 to CALC 12
- Calculate a horizontal series of mathematical operations.
- Understand and use addition and subtraction (for numbers up to 1000).
- Understand and use mental calculations to work out sums and differences of equations.
- Memorize the multiplication tables for the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.

Wednesday, February 25th    
Review V3
- Find an antonym for a qualifying adjective or action verb.

Review C1 to C4
- Understand the relationship between verb tenses (past, present, future) and the corresponding ideas (actions which have already happened, actions happening now, and actions which have not yet happened).
- Conjugate the verbs “être” and “avoir” (to be and to have) in the present simple tense.
- Identify the present, future, past simple and present perfect simple tenses of the verbs studied; find their infinitives.

Problem solving: No reviews
- Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication.
- Begin studying division of two whole numbers using problems of sharing or grouping.
- Organize information given in a statement.
- Solve problems of customary.

Thursday, February 26th    

- Develop and write independently a simple coherent sentence, then several sentences and finally a narrative or descriptive text of five to ten lines.

“The Marquis of Carabas wants to invite his brothers at his wedding. He tells them how he became rich.”

Math: Measurement
Review MES 1
- Read the time on a watch, a clock with digital display and an analog clock.

Math: Geometry
Review Geom 4 to Geom 6
- Perceive and recognize some geometric properties and relationships:  right angle.
- Describe, reproduce and trace a right angle triangle.
- Reproduce simple geometric forms using instruments (ruler, triangle).

CIVICS/science: (green notebook)
-Be aware of the need to eat daily vegetables and fruits.
-Be aware of the need to drink water.





vendredi 13 février 2015

POESIES Chaperon

Week 24

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We did the sound z and had been tested on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading/Vocabulary : We continued our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 22 (Quizlet 22).
Grammar : We were reviewing all the concepts learned so far.
We learned about the plural of nouns.G10
Conjugaison : We have learned the verb "to have/avoir" Livret R2

Math :
Calculation :
We continued to work on the "multiplication" and "product" concepts and we started to learn the table X3.
Solving Problem : We have been working on our 15th collaborative learning.
We have been working collaboratively on addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems.
Measurement : We continued to work about time. Mes 1

Discovering the world :
CIVICS : balanced diet
Be aware of the need to eat daily vegetables and fruits.
Be aware of the need to drink water.

every Tuesday afternoon.

Noah's favorite book



2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: January 26-30

Dear parents,
This week, the students reviewed the dinosaur facts they had learned while reading “Dinosaurs Before Dark”. They also worked on a Dinosaur acrostic poem. The students had a reading comprehension about Ankylosauruses. During writing, they made a four-square graphic organizer predicting what adventures Annie and Jack will have after they returned home to Frog Creek. During Sitton Spelling, the students worked in pairs on a word exploration identifying common patterns for the “long a” sound. Next week, we are looking forward to wrapping up our Dinosaur unit! In Easy Grammar, the students practiced using “its” vs. “it’s” and “their” vs. “they’re” vs. “there” in sentences. During US Math, they were assessed on US money and coins and continued learning about fractions. In Social Studies, the students learned about natural resources and ways to help conserve and protect them. We read and discussed the story, “The Great Kapok Tree”. The students also designed a “Care for the Earth” Poster. During Science, we had a “Blob in a Bottle” experiment which taught students about molecular polarity.
Miss Miller

mardi 10 février 2015

Dear parents,

Here are the spelling words for this week if you would like to practice with your child at home.

Spelling Words Unit 17: were, down, look, one, think, there, around, as, through, these, their, are, right, also

I have decided to forego homework packets, as I was getting very few returned. Instead, I would like to recommend a few activities at home for practice.

Add it: Students can work on words with the long i sound. (examples, right, time, kind, etc.)

Finish it: Students can elaborate and write a paragraph from the prompt, "It is good to look and think before __________."

Find it: Students can brainstorm ideas that rhyme with "look".

We will be doing activities using their words in class, however any additional practice or reinforcement at home definitely helps. I also recommend practicing alphabetizing words as well as making flashcards.

The students' Wordly Wise vocabulary for the week Lesson 6. These words include: cone, cube, Earth, fern, fuel, grain, lizard, miner, present,

You can have your child practice on quizlet at home at the website:

We have finished reading the Magic Treehouse book, "Dinosaurs Before Dark." Since there was such an interest in the Mary Pope Osborn books, we decided to continue reading these as an author study unit to take us to the end of the school year. The next book in the series is "The Knight at Done". Would you please have the book for your child by Monday, February 23? If there are any problems, please let me know. Also, the third book we will read will be of your child's choice if you would like to have them pick out their third book. They will be writing a book talk on their Magic Tree House novel of their choice.

Thank you so much for your support and have a wonderful evening.

Milana Miller

vendredi 6 février 2015

Week 24

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We did the sound z and had been tested on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading/Vocabulary : We continued our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 22 (Quizlet 22).
Grammar : We were reviewing all the concepts learned so far.
We learned about the plural of nouns.G10
Conjugaison : We are still working on the verb "to have/avoir" Livret R2

Math :
Calculation :
We continued to work on the "multiplication" and "product" concepts and we started to learn the table X3.
Solving Problem : We have been working on our 15th collaborative learning.
We have been working collaboratively on addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems.
Measurement : We continued to work about time. Mes 1

Discovering the world :
CIVICS : balanced diet
We have been talking about the healthy plate and have made our own "healthy plate".

every Tuesday afternoon.