lundi 16 février 2015


3rd period: January / February

Monday February 23rd

Reading: Unknown text: No reviews
- Silently read the wording of problems or instructions, understanding what action is expected.
- Silently read a text, deciphering unfamiliar words and showing understanding through summarizing, retelling and responding to questions.
- Show understanding of a story or a text read aloud by responding to questions about the text.

Review: G4 to G10
-Identify according to their nature: verbs, nouns, articles, personal pronouns (subject form).
-Nouns: distinguish between proper and common nouns.
-Manipulate other determiners (mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa, notre, votre, leur, mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs, ce, cet, cette, ces).
-Recognize and explain gender and singular/plural forms: the "s" of plural nouns, the "e" of the feminine.
-In a simple sentence with a regular subject/verb syntax, identify the verb and its subject.

Math: Numbers:
Review Num5 + Num6
- Understand (know how to write and name) whole numbers up to 1000.
- Locate and place numbers on a straight line; compare them, put them in order, and organize them.
- Write or say a series of numbers by 2s, 5s, 10s and 100s.

Tuesday, February 24th   
« Le maitre Chat »
-Know and use the vocabulary specific to reading.
Review Quizlet: VOC 17 to VOC23 (do the TEST with no “written”)

Read the whole story
- Tell whom, who or what a text is about; find in the text or its illustration the answer to questions concerning the text; restate the meaning.
- Identify the characters, the events and the time and settings of a story.

Math: Calculation
Review CALC 5 to CALC 12
- Calculate a horizontal series of mathematical operations.
- Understand and use addition and subtraction (for numbers up to 1000).
- Understand and use mental calculations to work out sums and differences of equations.
- Memorize the multiplication tables for the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.

Wednesday, February 25th    
Review V3
- Find an antonym for a qualifying adjective or action verb.

Review C1 to C4
- Understand the relationship between verb tenses (past, present, future) and the corresponding ideas (actions which have already happened, actions happening now, and actions which have not yet happened).
- Conjugate the verbs “être” and “avoir” (to be and to have) in the present simple tense.
- Identify the present, future, past simple and present perfect simple tenses of the verbs studied; find their infinitives.

Problem solving: No reviews
- Solve problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication.
- Begin studying division of two whole numbers using problems of sharing or grouping.
- Organize information given in a statement.
- Solve problems of customary.

Thursday, February 26th    

- Develop and write independently a simple coherent sentence, then several sentences and finally a narrative or descriptive text of five to ten lines.

“The Marquis of Carabas wants to invite his brothers at his wedding. He tells them how he became rich.”

Math: Measurement
Review MES 1
- Read the time on a watch, a clock with digital display and an analog clock.

Math: Geometry
Review Geom 4 to Geom 6
- Perceive and recognize some geometric properties and relationships:  right angle.
- Describe, reproduce and trace a right angle triangle.
- Reproduce simple geometric forms using instruments (ruler, triangle).

CIVICS/science: (green notebook)
-Be aware of the need to eat daily vegetables and fruits.
-Be aware of the need to drink water.