vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Weekly letter #20

Dear parents and students,


Jonas became 2nd grade AZ state chess champion! Congratulations Jonas !

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : sound d tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading/Vocabulary : We continued our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 18 (Quizlet 18)
Grammar : We continued to work on gender : masculine and feminine and did a test.
Conjugation : The students have learned about making the difference between "infinitive" and "conjugate" verbs. C2
Vocabulary : We continued to work on opposite words V3 and started to create a book "the opposite word book".
Poetry : We continued to write and learn the poem "Poeme du chat".

Math :

Calculation :
We started a new concept about "multiplication" and "product".
Solving Problem : We continued our collaborative learning #11.
US math : Money
Names and values of common coins
Count money - pennies, nickels, and dimes only
Count money - up to $1

Discovering the world :
HISTORY : We started to construct a time line (from 1900 to today) and put so far two generations (students and their parents).

We are starting a new sport session about running every Tuesday afternoon.
We have been working on Sprinting
Run fast over about thirty metres
Cross the finishing line without slowing down
Start running fast from a given signal and maintain speed over 7 seconds

Lauren Parton have been talking about "Karate" and some rules about respecting others.
She just got her "yellow Belt". Congratulations Lauren !