vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Weekly letter #22

Dear parents and students,

Today, Friday January 30th, we celebrated Jonas's Birthday. We have been learning about different flags.

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : sound n tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading/Vocabulary : We continued our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 20 (Quizlet 20).
Grammar : We were still working on the subject of a verb :G7
and we learned what a pronoun is and his function as a subject of the verb.G8
Conjugaison : We are learning the verb "to be/être" C3
Poetry : We continued to write and learn the poem "Poeme du chat".

Math :
Calculation :
We continued to work on the "multiplication" and "product" concepts and we started to learn time tables x2 and x5.
Solving Problem : We have been working on our collaborative learning #13.
We have been working collaboratively on division and multiplication problems.
US math : Fractions : Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes need to have the same shape.

Discovering the world :

WE CELEBRATED THE 100TH DAY ON MONDAY. See the pictures in the blog.

HISTORY : We worked on the changing of ways of living : we talked about the evolution of the CD player from the first one "gramophone" to the MP3.

CIVICS : We started a new unit about food :
be aware of the need to consume fruit and vegetables every day. be aware of the need to drink water

every Tuesday afternoon.

Le poisson mort d'Anasara