dimanche 24 mai 2015


Week 37 : May 18 - 22

Dear parents and students

This week has been very busy with International Fair : finalizing the Arts projects, setting the classroom...

Our main focus in reading has been about "Little Red Riding Hood". We listened and read different versions of this fairy tail.

Our favorite story was "Chapeau rond rouge" from the author Geoffroy de Pennart.

The reading challenge is closed, the students will get their diploma on Tuesday, May 26th.
In conjugation, we have been working on conjugating the verbs  “être” and “avoir” (to be and to have) in  present perfect simple tense (passé composé).

In Mathematics, we have been reviewing about the relationship between kilometers and meters, as well as the different operations learned this year.

It's almost the end of the school year...

vendredi 22 mai 2015

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 25-29

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 25-29

Dear parents,
                This week was a shorter week for English due to parent-teacher conferences.  The students practiced their speaking and listening skills by sharing their fractured fairy tales.  I was so impressed by the enthusiasm and creativity for this assignment.  Some students wrote a second fractured fairy tale on Little Red Riding Hood to share at the International Festival. During Easy Grammar, the students worked on exercises reviewing nouns, verbs and prepositions.  In Science, the students worked together in groups to invent something new out of a paper bag.  Afterwards, they presented their new invention to their classmates.
Thank you so much for your support this year and I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Miss Miller

vendredi 15 mai 2015

Week 36 : May 11 - 15

Dear parents and students,

French :
We have been doing tests on Monday and Tuesday.
Rallye-Lecture : We still have 1 more week to read as many books we can for the Rallye-Lecture. 

Math :
We have been doing tests on Monday and Tuesday.

Discovering the World :
SCIENCE: We are working about the butterfly.

Drama Education Project / International Fair :

We have been doing our Performance to all the classes on Wednesday and Thursday.
We are ready to do a World Tour now :)

Big thanks to Francis Girodroux for sharing the little house and the bed. And thanks for his help also.

ART : We are working a lot on preparing the classroom for the International Fair next Thursday at 5:30pm.

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 11-15

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 11-15
Dear parents,
This week, the students finished writing their original fractured fairy tales.  The students created “Wanted” Big Bad Wolf posters for the International Fair and reviewed character traits.  During Easy Grammar, the students learned about possessive nouns and reviewed plural, abstract and concrete nouns, proper and common nouns, and prepositions.  In Wordly Wise, the students worked on exercises practicing with the vocabulary in Unit 11.  For science, the students participated in a partner relay using straws to move water by controlling the air flow.  The students also created straw musical instruments and learned how the vibrations from the air flow make sound.
Thank you for your support and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller

dimanche 10 mai 2015



samedi 9 mai 2015


Thanks Mandy :)

Week 35 : May 4 - 8

Dear parents and students,

French :
SPELLING : We have been working on the sound "in" and did a spelling test on Wednesday.
CONJUGATION : We have been working on 2 past tenses: imperfect vs past perfect.
READING : We have been reading the chapter 6 and worked on VOC 29.
Rallye-Lecture : We still have 2 more weeks to read as many books we can for the Rallye-Lecture. So far, the students really enjoy this "quiet time" and perform very well on the comprehension. Bravo !

Math :
We have been reviewing for the next tests on Monday and Tuesday.
Calcultation : We have been working on dividing by 5.

Discovering the World :
SCIENCE: We are working about the metamorphosis of various insects. Indeed, we have been watching three insects complete metamorphosis : the mosquito, the dragon fly and the butterfly. We noticed the similarities and differences.
We started to work on the stage of their life cycle – egg, larva, pupa, and adult – looks different from the others.
Thanks to Kian and Albert who brought different bugs (bees, crickets and one mealworm) for us to observe.
mealworm (beetle larva)



Drama Education Project / International Fair :

THEATER : We have been rehearsing and did our first performance to the 1st grade Spanish. 
We have been doing our Performance to the "Phoenix Center For the Arts". 
Performing to a real theater was even more EXCEPTIONAL :)))


ART : We are working for the International Fair.


vendredi 8 mai 2015

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 4-8

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: May 4-8
Dear parents,
This week, the students learned about fractured fairy tales and began brainstorming ideas to write their own fractured fairy tales next week.   A fractured fairy tale is a story that uses a familiar fairy tale but changes the characters, settings, plots, or points of view. The students also reviewed parts of a friendly letter and will begin writing one next week to author of the Magic Treehouse series, Mary Pope Osborne.  During Easy Grammar, the students learned the various rules for making plural nouns.   In US Math, the students reviewed word problems counting money as well as telling time to the nearest five minutes. 
                I was so proud of all of the students and their hard work and preparation for their class play, Little Red Riding Hood. They did such an amazing job today!   I also wanted to give a heartfelt thank you for all of the beautiful flowers and thoughtful presents and cards I received for teacher appreciation week.  I appreciate teaching your children every day.  Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy Mother’s Day!  Thank you for your support and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller

dimanche 3 mai 2015


bring on Thursday May 7th in a separated bag with child's name tag

Narrators :
Boys : Black suit with white shirt and boetie or tie
girls : very nice dress

Mother : like a mother with little high heels and a purse...

Little Red Riding Hood : Dressed in red with red hood and cape...

Huntsman : green, brown or camouflage clothes, boots, hunter's bag...

Grand-mother : with a wig or a bun and an old woman clothes + bathcap

Wolf : all dressed in black, his/her face painted in grey + wolf ears (optional : a tail)


PERFORMANCE : On Friday, May 8th 2015

Be on time at school
BRING A COLD LUNCH + Bottle of water

Chaperones : Patricia Breece, Adeline Kassisieh, Vicki Overton, Mandy Fitch, Fadel Ghadanfar, Jane Mercer

Departure time at the bowling parking @ 8:15am

Arrival Time at the Theater  @ around 9am

Theater Opens : 12:15pm

Showtime : 12:30pm

Departure time from the theater (with the same chaperones) : between 1:45pm and 2pm

Arrival time at school : around 2:45pm

samedi 2 mai 2015


4th period: March / May

Monday May 11th
Review: Livret Ribambelle #1 p.20 + Livret Ribambelle #2 p.24, 30, 31, 32
-Recognize and explain gender and singular/plural forms in the Noun phrase (article + Noun + Adjective): the "s" or “x” of plural nouns and adjectives, the "e" of the feminine.
- Identify according to their nature: verbs, nouns, articles, personal pronouns (subject form), qualifying adjectives.
- Show the agreement between the subject and the verb in sentences with a regular subject/verb structure.

« Le scarabée magique »
-Know and use the vocabulary specific to reading.
Review Quizlet: Voc 24 ] 29 (do the TEST with no “written”)

Read the whole story
- Tell whom, who or what a text is about; find in the text or its illustration the answer to questions concerning the text; restate the meaning.
- Identify the characters, the events and the time and settings of a story.

Math: Calculation
Review CALC 10 ] 17
- Understand and use mental calculations to work out multiplication of equations.
- Understand multiplication and use it to multiply single-digit numbers.
- Divide by 2 or 5 numbers less than 100 (quotient equals a whole number).

Tuesday, May 12th   
Review Fichier Ribambelle #2 p.44, 45, 46 + C2 ] C7
- Correctly spell conjugated verb forms learned in class.
- Conjugate the verbs of the first group, “être” and “avoir” (to be and to have) in the present simple, future simple and present perfect simple tenses.
- Conjugate the verbs faire, aller, dire, venir (to do/make, to go, to say, to come) in the present simple tense.

Math: Measurement
Review MES 2
- Understand the relationship between hours and minutes, meters and centimeters, kilometers and meters, kilograms and grams, euros and eurocents.

Math: Geometry
Review Geom 7+8
- Perceive and recognize some geometric properties and relationships:  symmetrical axis

- Recognize, describe, name some solids: cube, rectangular prism.


Week 34 : April 27 - May 1

Dear parents and students,

French :
We are still having groups reading 3 times a week (20 minutes each time) for the "Rallye-Lecture".
We have also been working collaboratively on a spelling challenge by team of 4.

Math :

Drama Education Project :

THEATER : We have been working on movement, coordination and communication. 
MUSIC : We are working on the different songs the students will perform for the play.
ART : We have been working on the props for the play and for the International Fair. We have also made "Invitation cards".

vendredi 1 mai 2015

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 27-May 1

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 27-May 1

Dear parents,
This week, the students practiced differentiating between common and proper nouns and possessive nouns in Easy Grammar.  During Sitton Spelling, the students reviewed contractions.  We finished reading the Knight at Dawn.  We also read the book, If I Built A Car, and began writing a three paragraph story about their dream car they would make.  In Wordly Wise, the students worked on Lesson 10 and read about the solar system.  During US Math, the students reviewed counting money word problems and telling time to the nearest five minutes.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Miller

dimanche 26 avril 2015




Week 33 : April 20th - 24th

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "ill" and did spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Conjugation : We worked on the future tense with verbs "être" (to be) and "avoir" (to have).
Reading : We read the Chapter 5 and worked on Voc 28. 
We are still having groups reading 3 times a week (20minutes each time) for the "Rallye-Lecture".

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : Reviews on all the time tables learned so far.
Calculation : Reviews on all the concepts.
Measurement : We worked on which metric unit of length is appropriate : km/m/cm.
Problem solving : We were working on our 19th collaborative math problems.

Discovering the world :

THEATER : We have been working more on the speaking in public. We have been watching a play performed with children and were discussing on how they act, how they speak or move on the stage.

vendredi 24 avril 2015

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 20-24

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 20-24

Dear parents,
This week, the students finished writing their wacky weather stories.  They also learned about the parts of a friendly letter.  During Science, we read and discussed about why we celebrate Earth Day and wrote a friendly letter to Earth, thanking it for its resources and listing ways they will help protect the Earth.  The students also participated in a “Dancing Raisin” experiment where they reviewed the concepts of density and buoyancy.  The students read several reading comprehension passages to practice finding the main idea and sequencing.    We also read Chapter 8 in The Knight at Dawn.  Thank you for your support and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller

vendredi 17 avril 2015

Week 32 : April 13th - 17th

Dear parents and students,

Jonas U8 and U10 champion in the national qualifying tournament

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:
Stanford tests have been conducted until Tuesday. 

French :
Spelling : We have been doing a text spelling test on Monday about the sound "gn".
Conjugation : We have been playing games by groups : Grammar Trivial Pursuit, Conjugation Domino, Conjugation Bingo and Conjugation "Jeu de l'oie"
to review the present tense. And we started to work on the future tense with verbs ending with "er".
Reading : We read the Chapter 4 and worked on Voc 27. 
We are having groups reading 3 times a week (20minutes each time) for the "Rallye-Lecture".

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : Reviews on all the time tables from 1 to 7.
Calculation : We were still working on solving a three-digits by one digit multiplication.
Measurement : We worked on which metric unit of length is appropriate : m/cm.

Math challenge : The children have been working on solving problems by teams, 2nd and 3rd grades combined.
Last year recorded participation record with nearly 6,500 students over the United States enrolled from K to 5th grades.
It's the 5th year ISA is enrolling all the French elementary class to that challenge.

If you want to learn more about it, click on the link below.

Discovering the world :

SCIENCE : AIR : We have been working on analyzing and interpreting the scientific objects we have been modeling. Then we talked and wrote explanations and results.

ART : We started to work on the props for the play/International Fair.


jeudi 16 avril 2015

CALC 15 : MULTIPLIER PAR 20, 30, 100, 200...


Jonas U8 and U10 champion in the national qualifying tournament

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 13-17

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 13-17

Dear parents,

This week was another short week for the American track because the students continued their Stanford testing.  Students read and summarized Chapter 7 in the Knight at Dawn.   During Easy Grammar, the students reviewed irregular verbs with the past participle.  We read Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs and the students began a writing activity to focus on word choice and organization.  Their writing assignment is to describe what kinds of food would fall from the sky if they were the authors of the story.  During Science, the students learned about the water cycle and observed a science experiment which simulated rain. 

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Miller

dimanche 12 avril 2015

Week 31 : April 6th - 10th

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been doing a text spelling test on Monday about the sound "j" and have been working on the sound "gn" and did the words spelling test on Wednesday.
Grammar : We have been working on the plural rules in the Noun phrase.
Conjugation : We have been playing games by groups : Grammar Trivial Pursuit, Conjugation Domino, Conjugation Bingo and Conjugation "Jeu de l'oie".
Reading : We read the Chapter 3 worked on Voc 26. 
We are still practicing the different parts for the play: The Little Red Riding
We started the "Rallye-Lecture".

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : time table x7
Calculation : We were working on solving a three-digits by one digit multiplication. And we also learned how to resolve a mental multiplication using tenths (3 x 40 = 3 x 4 x 10 = 120): Calc 15

Discovering the world :

SCIENCE : AIR Contest : We have been finishing our constructions for the Science Fair on Thursday and Friday.

vendredi 10 avril 2015

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 6-10

2nd Grade Weekly Newsletter: April 6-10

Dear parents,

This week was a short week for the American track because the students began their Stanford testing.  During US Math, the students practiced word problems with fractions, money, addition, and subtraction.  During Social Studies, the students learned about the Civil War, and compared and contrasted two diary entries from a child in the north and a child in the south.  The students also practiced sequencing on a timeline.  For Wordly Wise, we had a reading comprehension on Ferris wheels, which included vocabulary from Lesson 9.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Miller

jeudi 2 avril 2015

Week 30 : March 30th - April 2nd

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "j" and did the words spelling test on Wednesday.
Grammar : We have been working on the gender rules in the Noun phrase.
Conjugation : We reviewed the different verbs in present tense.

We played different games by groups : Grammar Trivial Pursuit, Conjugation Domino, Conjugation Bingo and Conjugation "Jeu de l'oie".


Reading : We read the Chapter 1 and 2 and worked on Voc 25. 
We have also been working on the intonation as well as the gestual when telling the parts for the play: The Little Red Riding Hood.

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : time table x7
We worked on solving a two-digits by one digit multiplication.
Geometry : We worked on the 3-Dimensional shapes and learned about (vertices, edges and faces).
Problem solving : we were working on our 18th collaborative math problems.
USMATH : The students reviewed fractions, money, geometry and telling time.

Discovering the world :

SCIENCE : AIR Contest : after bringing materials, the students had lots of fun building sailing boats, car propulsions and parachutes.