dimanche 26 avril 2015

Week 33 : April 20th - 24th

Dear parents and students,

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : We have been working on the sound "ill" and did spelling tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Conjugation : We worked on the future tense with verbs "être" (to be) and "avoir" (to have).
Reading : We read the Chapter 5 and worked on Voc 28. 
We are still having groups reading 3 times a week (20minutes each time) for the "Rallye-Lecture".

Math :
Mental Arithmetic : Reviews on all the time tables learned so far.
Calculation : Reviews on all the concepts.
Measurement : We worked on which metric unit of length is appropriate : km/m/cm.
Problem solving : We were working on our 19th collaborative math problems.

Discovering the world :

THEATER : We have been working more on the speaking in public. We have been watching a play performed with children and were discussing on how they act, how they speak or move on the stage.