samedi 10 janvier 2015

Weekly letter #19

Dear parents and students,

Thanks to all those children and parents who donated to the Children First Academy:
Our class Drive raised: $22.07

Here are the learning we've worked on this week:

French :
Spelling : sound on tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Reading/Vocabulary : We began our third story : "Puss in Boots" and worked on VOC 17 (Quizlet 17)
Grammar : We have been working on gender : masculine and feminine and have learned that usually, we add an "e" at the end of a masculine noun to have the feminine G6
Vocabulary : We started to work on opposite words V3
Poetry : We began to write and learn the poem "Poeme du chat".

Math :
Calculation :
subtract mentally CALC 8 & CALC 9
Solving Problem : collaborative learning #11
US math : Money

Discovering the world :
HISTORY : We talked about the time line (from 1900 to today) of two or three generations and began to place some personal events (students' and or parents' births, world war I and II).

TECHNOLOGY : Code : We have been learning about the loop : IF... Then

We are starting a new sport session about running every Tuesday afternoon.
Below is the curriculum :
Run fast over about thirty metres
Cross the finishing line without slowing down
Run a race that involves handing over a baton
Start running fast from a given signal and maintain speed over 7 seconds

Distance Running
Manage a race: know how to adjust one’s pace and adapt it to a given itinerary or duration
Know how to recover by walking
Run for a long time (6 to 12 minutes) regularly, breathing easily