vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Weekly letter #7

Dear Parents,

This week was a busy week with lot's of tests.
The students did a lot of efforts to do their best.
I'm proud of them!

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Reading / Vocabulary: Tests
Grammar : Tests
Writing : Tests
Different students worked on the Ipad with the App : "Educreation" to write their sentences about Peace Day.
We did a draft story about "a new end to Kolos"... to be continued...

Math :
Calculation : Tests
numbers up to 100 : Tests
Geometry : Tests
USmath :Tests about : even/odd numbers, expanded form, and written numbers.
We finished our first problems.

Discovering the world :

Science : We have been reviewing about liquid and solid states of water in nature and in relation to certain meteorological phenomena observed (formation of ice, snow, hail, fog...).
We started to learn about "thermometers". TEST on Thursday, October 2nd.
Time : We finished our first unit : Know the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year. TEST on Monday, September 29th.
Art : Our Art work is displayed in the hallway upstairs.

AND..... Thanks to Captain Mike Hamel who came to present his job  :"Pilot".

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier

lundi 22 septembre 2014

vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Weekly letter #6

Dear Parents,

We had a very good PEACE DAY today. Thanks everybody to be part of ISA.

We also had a presentation about "Bullying" with Margaret KuzelLehn.
And we were happy to Skype with Laure for her Birthday last Wednesday.

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Reading / Vocabulary: We finished our first chapter book"Kolos".
We have been working on the vocabulary VOC 7 and 8.
Spelling : We did the sound R tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We were still working on "negative sentences".
Writing : We invented sentences about the "words of the day" and negative sentences. Different students worked on the Ipad with the App : "Educreation" to write their sentences about Peace Day.
Poem : We graded our second poem "Le géant de Zeralda".

Math :
Calculation : We did our fourth "calcul rapide": the challenge was to do 40 or 50 or 60 easy calculations (additions) in 3 minutes.
We have been still working on numbers up to 100 : Understanding (know how to write and name) whole numbers up to 100, locate and place numbers on a straight line; compare them, put them in order, and organize them.
Geometry : We have been working about : Reproducing simple geometric forms using instruments (ruler) in a graph.
USmath :Problem solving : We have been working on US MATH solving problems and reviewing even/odd numbers, expanded form, and written spelling numbers. We introduced also rounding to the nearest ten.

Discovering the world :

Science : We continued working on our first unit : "water". We have been using a website : This websites requires Adobe Flash Player.
Art : We finished our work about complementary color pairs : red/green, yellow/violet, blue/orange. They will be soon displayed in the hallway upstairs.
We also made our doves for Peace Day.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier

lundi 15 septembre 2014


1st period: August / September

Monday September 22nd  

« Kolos et les quatre voleurs »

-Know and use the vocabulary specific to reading. VOC about “Kolos”.
Review Quizlet : Voc 1 to Voc 8


- Tell whom, who or what a text is about; find in the text or its illustration the answer to questions concerning the text; restate the meaning.

- Identify the characters, the events and the time and settings of a story.


Numbers : Num1, Num2, Num 3, Num 4, Num 5

- Understand (know how to write and name) whole numbers up to 100.

- Locate and place numbers on a straight line; compare them, put them in order, and organize them.

- Write or say a series of numbers by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
Tuesday, September 23rd

Reading : Unknown text : No reviews

- Silently read the wording of problems or instructions, understanding what action is expected.

- Silently read a text, deciphering unfamiliar words and showing understanding through summarizing, retelling and responding to questions.

- Show understanding of a story or a text read aloud by responding to questions about the text.


The sentence / La phrase: G1, G2

- Indicate the sentences in a text by identifying the appropriate punctuation (period and capital letter).

- Work with sentence structures and types: understand how to convert an affirmative sentence into a negative.

Geometry : Geom 1, Geom 2

-  Perceive and recognize some geometric properties and relationships:  alignment

- Locate the squares and the connection points of a graph.

- Reproduce simple geometric forms using instruments (ruler) or techniques (graph).

 Calcul : Calc 1, Calc 2

- Calculate a horizontal series of mathematical operations.

- Understand and use addition and subtraction (for numbers up to 100).

Wednesday, September 24th  

Writing : No reviews

- Develop and write independently a simple coherent sentence, then several sentences and finally a narrative or descriptive text of five to ten lines.

- Use precise words to express oneself.

- Write correctly and independently simple words while respecting the relationship between letters and sounds.

- Begin using capital letters correctly (the beginning of a sentence, proper nouns referring to people).


Problem solving: Review the corrected problems packets (given on Friday, Sept. 19th )

- Understand and use addition and subtraction (for numbers up to 100).
- Organize information given in a statement.
- Solve problems of customary and metric units of length.

jeudi 11 septembre 2014

Weekly letter #5

Dear Parents,
Here are our learning events for this week.

We have been having a very good time on September 11th with Corde's grandmother, Anasara's dad and Lauren's grandmother.
Thanks to them for coming and work with the students on mapping the class's grandparents.

French :
Reading : We began the third chapter of "Kolos".
We have been working on the vocabulary VOC 6.
Spelling : We did the sound L tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We were working on "negative sentences".
Writing : We invented sentences about the "words of the day" and negative sentences. We wrote sentences about "What is Peace for you".
Some students worked on the Ipad with the App : "Educreation".
Poem : We are still working on our second poem "Le géant de Zeralda".

Math :
Calculation : We did our third "calcul rapide": the challenge was to do 40 or 50 easy calculations (additions) in 3 minutes and practiced some games with
Problem solving : We have been working on our third collaborative Problem Solving on Friday.
Geometry : We have been working about : Perceive and recognize some geometric properties and relationships:  alignment Géom 1.
USmath :we were still working on  written, standard, and expanded forms of the numbers.

Discovering the world :
Time : We were still working on knowing the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year.
Science : We started a unit about "water". We workd more specifically about knowing the liquid and solid states of water in nature and in relation to certain meteorological phenomena observed (formation of ice, snow, hail, fog...).
Art : We continued our work about complementary color pairs : red/green, yellow/violet, blue/orange.
Space : We have been working on using different maps to find where grandparents live (see the powerpoint).

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier

vendredi 5 septembre 2014


Dear Parents,
Here are our learning events for this week.
French :
Reading : we began the second chapter of "Kolos".
We have been working on the vocabulary VOC 4 & VOC 5.
Spelling : we did the sound oi tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We were still working on the first grammar rule : G1 about "what is a sentence ?".
Writing : We invented sentences about the "words of the day".
Poem : We are still working on our second poem "Le géant de Zeralda".

Math :
We did our second "calcul rapide": the challenge was to do 30 or 50 easy calculations (additions) in 3 minutes.
We have been working on our second collaborative Problem Solving on Thursday.
USmath :we worked on  written, standard, and expanded forms of the numbers
We reviewed tens and ones: Num 2

Discovering the world :
Time : We have been working on knowing the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year.
Art : We started a work about complementary color pairs : red/green, yellow/violet, blue/orange. Moreover, we have been learning about 2 famous artists : Andy Warhol and Keith Haring and started an art work combining those two artists.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier