vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Weekly letter #7

Dear Parents,

This week was a busy week with lot's of tests.
The students did a lot of efforts to do their best.
I'm proud of them!

Here are our learning events for this week.

French :
Reading / Vocabulary: Tests
Grammar : Tests
Writing : Tests
Different students worked on the Ipad with the App : "Educreation" to write their sentences about Peace Day.
We did a draft story about "a new end to Kolos"... to be continued...

Math :
Calculation : Tests
numbers up to 100 : Tests
Geometry : Tests
USmath :Tests about : even/odd numbers, expanded form, and written numbers.
We finished our first problems.

Discovering the world :

Science : We have been reviewing about liquid and solid states of water in nature and in relation to certain meteorological phenomena observed (formation of ice, snow, hail, fog...).
We started to learn about "thermometers". TEST on Thursday, October 2nd.
Time : We finished our first unit : Know the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year. TEST on Monday, September 29th.
Art : Our Art work is displayed in the hallway upstairs.

AND..... Thanks to Captain Mike Hamel who came to present his job  :"Pilot".

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier