vendredi 5 septembre 2014


Dear Parents,
Here are our learning events for this week.
French :
Reading : we began the second chapter of "Kolos".
We have been working on the vocabulary VOC 4 & VOC 5.
Spelling : we did the sound oi tests on Wednesday and Friday.
Grammar : We were still working on the first grammar rule : G1 about "what is a sentence ?".
Writing : We invented sentences about the "words of the day".
Poem : We are still working on our second poem "Le géant de Zeralda".

Math :
We did our second "calcul rapide": the challenge was to do 30 or 50 easy calculations (additions) in 3 minutes.
We have been working on our second collaborative Problem Solving on Thursday.
USmath :we worked on  written, standard, and expanded forms of the numbers
We reviewed tens and ones: Num 2

Discovering the world :
Time : We have been working on knowing the lengths of months, years and other divisions of the year.
Art : We started a work about complementary color pairs : red/green, yellow/violet, blue/orange. Moreover, we have been learning about 2 famous artists : Andy Warhol and Keith Haring and started an art work combining those two artists.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Thillier